RE Class Schedule: Wednesday 5:00pm – 6:15pm
St. Stevens’s Religious education endeavors to encourage and guide every child in their personal love of Jesus Christ and to flourish with an open heart in their love of the Roman Catholic faith.
Our program meets or exceeds the standards set by the diocese of Phoenix by:
Developing the knowledge of our faith.
Promoting liturgical worship and participation in the sacramental life of the Church.
Integrating moral formation in a Christian way of life.
Learning to pray individually and in community.
Initiating and actively participating in the life of the Church and the local community.
Nurturing a spirit of mission to witness to Christ in society.
Must be a Registered parishioner for at least 6 months.
Attend mass weekly.
Active in ministry or service work within the parish community.
Contributing to the support of the parish through an identifiable means (church envelopes, online donations, check or cash [in an envelope with your name on it.]
All students must provide a newly issued certified copy of their Baptismal certificate with notations issued within 6 months prior to class.
Together in Jesus “is the text for our 2nd grade and above. First Reconciliation preparation calls children to begin a lifelong conversion to Jesus and his way of living. This will help young children distinguish loving from unloving actions. It teaches the children the Ten Commandments God gave to Israel and Jesus teachings
in his Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 – 6.
Six themes that help young children recognize that as members of the Church.
I belong to a loving community (Lesson 1)
We keep the Ten Commandments (Lesson 2)
We can act like Jesus ( Lesson 3)
Jesus teaches us to forgive (Lesson 4)
Jesus gives his followers the Holy spirit (Lesson 5)
We celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Lesson 6)
Together in Jesus is the text for our 3rd grade and above.
Eight lessons for Confirmation and First Eucharist are combined to restore the order
in which children receive the sacraments of initiation.
I belong to a loving community.
I prepare for confirmation.
What happens in Confirmation.
Our community remembers Jesus.
Jesu gathers people together.
Jesus special supper.
Our community shares a meal.
My first Eucharist book.
*In the Diocese of Phoenix, Confirmation and First Eucharist are taught together.
The parents, parish catechetical leader, together with the pastor are responsible for determining when children are ready to receive sacraments. Per the Diocese of Phoenix, “Parents discern the readiness of their children to prepare for and celebrate the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist in consultation with their pastor or his delegate.”
An awareness of God’s unconditional love for them.
Regular participation in Sunday Mass.
Prayer as a part of the child’s life and also experienced within their family.
Must have previously been prepared for and received the Sacrament of Reconciliation (ordinarily occurs in Second Grade).
Must be properly instructed. (Needs to complete Together in Jesus Confirmation and First Eucharist program.)
Consistent attendance at formation sessions.
Must be capable of renewing their Baptismal promises.
Participation in a Family Sacraments of Initiation Retreat.
Willingness to participate in community service.